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  Hardener for Adhesive
Amine curing agent
Water Absorber
PU Water-proof/Track/Court Materials
Epoxy Dustproof Floor/Adhesive

Johnson Fine Chemical
Shandong Johnson Fine Chemical
Haining Johnson Chemical
Changshan Sea Chief Chemical



Product >>Hardener for Adhesive>HARTDUR C528

        The almost colorless HARTDUR C528 is designed as curing agent for adhesive based on hydroxyl polyurethane, natural and synthetic rubber
Typical Properties:

Chemical composition

Approx.26% aromatic polyisocyanate in 74% ethyl acetate

Intrinsic color almost colorless liquid
NCO% 6.0±0.2

Soluble in various esters, ketonesand aromatic solvents

Storage stability

Reacts readily with moisture; forbest performance it should be kept dry and stored at temperatures between 5℃ and 32℃.

Applications: After the addition of HARTDUR C528, the ready-to-use double-component

adhesive should be applied within a period (pot life) which is determined not

only by its content of rubber, but also by the other ingredients of the formulation

(e.g. resins, antioxidants, solvents, etc.). If the adhesive is not used within this period of time, it may become increasingly difficult to apply and its viscosity increases rapidly until irreversible gelling ultimately occurs.

Suggested Additions:For curing adhesive of 100 parts by weight (p.b.w.) based on:
Graft-Choloroprene rubber (rubber content approx. 16%): 3-5% p.b.w. HARTDUR C528
Choloroprene rubber (rubber content approx. 20%): 5-7% p.b.w. HARTDUR C528
Hydroxyl polyurethane (polyurethane content approx. 15%): 3-5% p.b.w. HARTDUR C528

A:each 0.8 kg in a standard aluminum bottle.
B:each 20 bottles in a standard carton.
C:each 180 kg in an iron drum.


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