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  Hardener for Adhesive
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Water Absorber
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Epoxy Dustproof Floor/Adhesive

Johnson Fine Chemical
Shandong Johnson Fine Chemical
Haining Johnson Chemical
Changshan Sea Chief Chemical



Product >>Water Absorber >HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI)

Scientific name Monofunctional isocyanate
Form supplied Non-solvent type, colorless liquid

HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI) is used as a stabilizer for moisture-curing systems.Use of HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI) prevents undesirable premature reaction of the paint system.


Activesubstance(Gas-chromatographic method): (98±2)%

Other data

Flash point(DIN51584)        150℃
Density,20℃(DIN51757) around 1.29g/cm3

*These values provide general information and are not parts of the productspecification.

Compatibility with resins must be tested.
Mxing and addition rate

HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI) reacts with water, giving off carbon dioxide and resulting in the

formation of reaction products which are soluble in conventional paint

formulations. Approximately 12g of the stabilizer is theoretically required for

reaction with 1g of water. Experience has shown, however, that the reaction is

more effective in the presence of a surplus of HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI). Compatibility with

paint binders should always be tested beforehand.


HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI) is moisture-sensitive and should therefore always be stored in tightly sealed original containers. If stored well, it has a shelf-life of 6 months

at least.


The product is a highly reactive compound and therefore needs to be handled

with particular care.


The safety data sheet should be heeded. It contains information on labeling,

transport and storage as well as handling, product safety and ecological

effects. Please refer also to information sheet M004 entitled, Reizende Stoffe,

atzende stoffe (Irritant substances, corrosive substances) issued by the

German Berufsgenossenschaft Chemie.


The product reacts spontaneously and very vigorously with water, alcohols,

amines, acids and alkalis. Such substances must therefore not be poured

into vessels already containing the product. The reaction with water yields

carbon dioxide at quantities of 1.3 liters per gram of water. The sudden

formation of large amounts of gas in a container into which water has

penetrated, may cause the container to explode, even if the seal has already

been broken.


Care must therefor be taken during transport, storage and handling of

HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI) to prevent the penetration of moisture into the containers.

Once added to the paint as a drying agent, existing guideline on the

application of paint containing solvents must be applied. Additional

precaution are unnecessarily provided that the addition rate is proportional

to the water content does not exceed about 5% of the total formulation.


HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI) is a very reactive compound. Although not very toxic, it causes

severe irritation of skin and mucous membranes. It is therefore essential to

prevent exposure of skin, eyes and airways to undiluted HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI).

Safety goggles and protective gloves must be worn and the inhalation of

vapors and aerosols must be avoided when handling the product. To

protect the skin, preventive application of an appropriate barrier preparation

(e.g. Arretil L manufactured by stockhausen) is recommended. Breathing

apparatus is necessary in inadequately ventilated work-places. Use of an

air-fed hood or a face mask with an A2-P2 combination filter is advisable.

Contaminated areas of skin should be washed immediately with plenty of

soap and water. Contaminated clothing should be removed immediately. In

the event of contact with the product, the eyes should be rinsed carefully and

thoroughly with water and medical advice should be sought. In the event of

inhalation of quite large amounts of vapor or dust of product. any resulting

irritation of the airways should be treated symptomatically (in the same way

as any symptoms of irritation caused by inhalation of irritant substances).

Medical advice must always be sought. Product residues can be disposed

of in accordance with the following guidelines:

1. Containers must be emptied as completely as possible. They can't Containers must be emptied as completely as possible. They can'

2. Pools of HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI) on the floor or on a lab bench can be carefully removed with water or by covering them with the paste-like materials described below.




Tertiary butyl alcohol
Butyl acetate(Bac)

Diatomaceous earth

(industrial grade)







*100g of the solution is sufficient to react with approx 42g of HARTTIVE MSI(PTSI).
Package: Iron drum with plastics insert, each contains 20 kg


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